I’m not on the cutting edge of fingernail fashion, but I love having dramatic nail colors. It's an easy and fun way to express yourself. But I also struggle to come up with any ideas beyond a plain ol’ coat of color. Right now, however, there are a lot of cool designs floating around! Summer nail season has started, and new trends are on the rise. What are some fun, easy nail styles for this summer — and, if we want to go a little more extra, what are some more complicated ones we can get at the manicurists?

With all that’s going on in the world, we could all use a little softness in our lives. Maybe that’s why pastels are in! Light misty green is especially in season. Try them out!
Colorful Frenchs

French manis are a nail-painting classic. Thus summer, add a twist! Try out colored frenchs for that extra summer flair. Apply a base coat to the tip of your nail, paint over that with a color of your choice, and, once it is dry, correct any mistakes with nail polish remover and a Q-tip.
Smiley faces!

This trend is sure to bring a smile to your face! Just use a clear or solid basecoat, let it dry, draw with a nail pen, and apply a top coat! It's easy, cute, and will get a lot of compliments!
But those are just the minimal, easy-to-DIY styles. If you are really devoted to nail art, there are many more extreme patterns to try! Next time you visit your manicurist, ask about these styles!

Every nail is an accent nail with this bold style! Different colors, different patterns-- alternation is the name of the game here. So long as each individual nail is stunning, and the colors are all about equally saturated, the sky's the limit!
Floral Patterns!

Few things can beat flowers for being cute, but these nails are one of them! This style is understated enough to go anywhere but pretty enough to add a bit of style to any outfit!
Lacy Nails

This design may look deceptively simple, but that detailing on a clear basecoat? Not only is this stylish, it's very impressive. This classy look would be perfectly suited to the workplace or a wedding!
Fashion is about having fun and being confident in your looks. A big part of that is experimenting and seeing what works for you. So why not experiment on your nails this summer? If you love these trends, try them out! If you want to change them up, put a twist on 'em! And, of course, tell us what you think! Maybe even tag us on our Instagram, to show us your new mani? We’d love to see what you come up with!