Running social media accounts can be really tough. Catching people’s interest and convincing them to listen to you isn’t easy, especially when there are so many other things competing for their interest. Some people just won’t like your content, and sometimes you’ll make silly mistakes as you are trying to learn how to use the platform. But it can be extremely rewarding too, especially as a way of promoting your art or business! Here’s our guide to starting off with Tiktok, with notes from our Tiktok Content Creator Alana Bleimann.

The first tip we have for you is just know what you want this account to be. Develop your brand into something recognizable and appealing to your audience. Know what kind of content represents your company, what content you enjoy, and what content your audience is likely to enjoy. This starts with just the look of your account and videos. Choose a profile picture or logo that will represent you and your content. Pick your brand colors, fonts, and shapes, and think about how you can incorporate them into videos. Of course, you have to stay authentic. If you are making large amounts of content, make content you enjoy. But remember that this account should help you reach your audience where they are!

Follow trends! You don’t always need to jump on the newest bandwagon, but you should be trend-savvy. Research Tiktok for successful content your viewers likely enjoy, and take note of trends. When you first start posting content, use those trending sounds! This will give your video a built-in audience. Make sure to do something new or interesting with the trend, though. You want viewers to see your video and look through the rest of your catalog for similar fun twists! Also, if you know trends, chances are, you’ll be better at predicting them!

Link your portfolio! On your bio, link to your website, your portfolio, or your other social media accounts. As a professional account, this account should sell you and your work to employers or possible clients. People will want to see more of your work.
Engage with others on Tiktok! Comment on other’s videos and reply to comments you get. Take into consideration any requests from your audience, and always check out any fellow creator who references your work! When possible, collaborate with other creators. This is a great way to network, promote yourself, and promote other creators at the same time!

If you become popular, you can get an amazing amount of exposure. If you don’t become a trend setter but still enjoy the content you made, you still haven’t wasted your time. This platform is not for everyone. But, if you are willing to learn how it works, Tiktok can offer opportunities for you and your business.