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4 Tips to Ace Your Next Audition

Writer's picture: Alana BleimannAlana Bleimann

Whether it’s dance, film, or theater, auditions are a daunting part of the process of securing that dream job, but because you don’t know what your casting director is looking for, there is simply no perfect way to ace your audition.

As an experienced “audition-er”, there are four helpful tips I can offer that will take you one step closer to feeling more confident about your next audition.


This tip may seem extremely obvious, but one of the best pieces of advice I received from a late dance mentor of mine was that “being on time is being early.”

If you arrive right at call time, or even two minutes before, you are already late. I would recommend arriving at least 20 minutes early to your destination. Despite what you may think, it takes time to check in, stretch, introduce yourself to others, hydrate, and practice before walking into the audition room.

Being on time also means you must be prepared.

Being prepared may look different for each audition you are going to. Making sure you have a headshot (or multiple), prepared pieces of music/monologue/dance routine, multiple outfits, writing materials, etc. is important for yourself and your casting directors.

It can be very noticeable who is prepared and who is not. Not one professional will be willing to work with someone who is unprepared, especially at the audition stage. On the other hand, if you yourself are unprepared, it will just cause more anxiety making it harder to focus on acing the actual audition.


Confidence and ego are very different, but it's not hard to differentiate between them when looking at someone.

Of course it is important to make yourself known when in the room where the attention is not always on you. There is no doubt in saying that you have to find what’s unique and interesting about yourself that will catch the director’s eye.

Even if you are terrified in the moment, faking confidence will work, but being egotistical about your talents will not.

Yes, make sure you get to the front of the room, but don’t purposefully overstep others and get in their way because you want to come across as better than everyone else.


When auditioning for anything it’s important to remember the most important part of securing any dream job - networking.

Introducing yourself to your casting director is key, of course, but remember to introduce yourself to everyone else in the audition room (if there are others there with you). Even though everyone is competing for the same role/job, you all have the same central interests and you never know who you may meet.

Everyone has something to offer.


Understanding the role or job you are aiming towards is an essential step to acing your audition.

If you are a dancer auditioning for a commercial you should know what company or brand the commercial is for, who your choreographer will be, what style of dance is required, and what the mood for the shoot is all before entering the room.

Oftentimes directors, choreographers, and casting directors are not looking for the most precise and talented person in the room. They are looking for someone who can exemplify a certain character or mood that is going to be portrayed in the role.

Maybe you can’t do a triple pirouette or cry on command, but there is no doubt that you have unique skills that fit the bill!

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